Fitness – Focus, Feel, Timing & Balance – Winter Perspective

Dan & Major Majik

Dan & Major Majik

I am a very active person, especially in the spring, summer, and fall months. Most of my activity is centered around my farm, teaching horsemanship,  and playing and riding my horses. There is of course more daylight and with that sun shining, I want to be outside, I want play and ride, and I don’t sit around very much until the sun goes down!

The winter months pose a very interesting situation for me. It is cold, the daylight is less, & my outdoor arena is usually covered with snow and ice. Once the snow and ice comes, I don’t usually haul my horses.  Playing and riding still happens, however certainly not to the extent of the other months. Then of course there is the Holiday’s with all of the food, cookies, cakes, and pies that I can’t resist.

I find myself not being very active. I find my mood becomes a little blah. I look forward to spring! I watch Parelli Videos, practice focus, feel, timing, and balance with my savvy string, carrot stick, and rope handling, and catch up on paper work.  All necessary, things, however not things that keep me active.

So I thought the other day about the Ten Qualities of a Horseman, especially, Heart and Desire, Focus, Feel, Timing, and Balance. I wondered how I could keep practicing those qualities, while keeping active during the winter months. I could go to the gym, play racquet ball or tennis,  or take a fitness class.  Not really my thing as I love to be outside.  Then it hit me! There are two things I can do outside during these times without spending a ton of money and I can take advantage of nature at its finest.

One, I can walk! Perfect! Walking in the snow gives me more exercise and I have to concentrate on my timing and balance, especially with the ice and snow. It is awesome outside during the winter and the clean crisp air really changes ones mood from blah to energized. My dog, Freddie, loves it so I have a companion.

Two, I can cross country ski! Fantastic exercise and I can concentrate on my focus, timing, and balance. Did you know that 45 minutes cross county skiing at a moderate pace will burn around 503 calories. Also an awesome way to adjust ones mood while keeping active and fit.

Since the 1st of the year, I have really tried hard to keep my level of fitness up at the level it is during the spring, summer, and fall.  I’ve been eating better and I look for exercise that will help me.  All the time I’m thinking about what I can do to be a better leader for my horse!  I am practicing heart and desire.  The more I practice the better I become!

Have fun thinking up creative ways to help you be a better leader for your horse during these winter months!!  Looking forward to seeing you at one of events here at HBFCNH!!!      Events 2015‎