Becoming A Horseman

  Becoming a Horseman is more than just learning to be good with horses.  Sure it takes study, it takes practice, it takes dedication, & it takes hard work.  Becoming a Horseman is an attitude & a way of life. 

I like to remind myself of these things as I begin another glorious day!  I remind myself of my principles!  I remind myself to not only treat others as I want to be treated but to treat others better than I want to be treated.   I remind myself that all relationships require study, practice, dedication, & hard work. I remind myself that everything is on a different journey so respect them for it no matter what.  And I remind myself that I can only affect what is my circle of influence. Everything else beyond the circle,  I shouldn’t worry about!  

In my travels, I interact with many people & many horses each & every week. I love it! I learn so much from each & every situation! Whether it’s the students I teach, the horses I train or the store attendant where I shop, I take lessons from my horse!  Live in the moment & treat everyone & everything with positive respect, a positive attitude & a smile.   It is contagious & will come back to you in more ways than you could possibly imagine!!!!  

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