Horses are Good for the Body, Mind, & Soul

As we prepare to say hello to a new year, I’m reminded of how thankful I am. I’m thankful for students, friends and family. I’m especially thankful for my horses and all the horses that have come into my life. Horses are good for the body, good for the mind, and good for the soul. Being around horses is goodRead the Rest…

Sharing Life’s Journey

Growing up, many of us had role models and mentors.  Someone we looked up to, learned from, and in some cases idealized.  These mentors may have been, parents, relatives, teachers, pastors, coaches,  sports figures, movie stars, friends or even neighbors, just to name a few.  Some we new well and some only in character. Whatever the case, these figureheads helpedRead the Rest…

"Techniques are nothing if you can't read a horse" - Pat Parelli